Thursday, September 9, 2010

the age of adz

sufjan released TOO MUCH today, another tune from his forthcoming album THE AGE OF ADZ, which is slated to be released on october tenth. this is a big deal, it's another equally intense electro-orchestral jam (the first being I WALKED, which was released like two weeks ago). it was made available for download on asthmatic kitty (sufjan's record label) this morning. big deal. although I WALKED took a lil while to grow on me, i now like it quite a bit. i think the album will probably be like that. we'll see.

t00 much - sufjan stevens


i walked - sufjan stevens

he's playing the academy of music in downtown philadelphia on november 10th, it's going to be awesome. <3 you sufjan.

Monday, August 30, 2010

monster rally: a re-cap

whew, it's been a while. i live in philadelphia now, that's pretty neat. with school back in session i should have enough time when i want to be productive (i need to do school work) but don't feel like focusing on anything school related to create blog entries. bear with me, y'all.

so i guess summer was great, but music-wise i haven't been super impressed by any new bands. after washed out/neon injuns/small black/etc explosion of last summer, i guess this summer just didn't compare. honestly, very few new bands with more than 2 or 3 great tunes or something really, exceptionally cool to offer. no new 'chill.'

the only newish thing that i really like is monster rally, who i first downloaded on (according to my computer) may 24th in the spring. he (maybe it's a man? i can't find any real information about this person/people) makes sample-based beach/surf-ish instrumental music, i think it's really catchy. none of it has any vocals, all of the songs are very short. also he makes no attempt to hide the loops in his samples, typically they only last a few measures.

he released his first ep, entitled ep, in late may.

i dig it, here are my favorite songs. (thanks to weekly tape deck for the links (i think they're my favorite blog)

Monster Rally – Honey Moon
Monster Rally - Sun's Hula

then he released another ep, palm reader, in late july. probably a better album than the first (thanks to gorilla vs bear for the links (they're a huge deal).

Monster Rally - Steal
Monster Rally - Birds Pt. 1

and, just two days ago, he released a lil 7" called color sky

Monster Rally - Color Sky

AND most interesting of all, he remixes MF DOOM songs. really well. he uses the same beach-mania samples, it sounds great. the 'vomit' remix came out right before his first ep, the 'gooey gum drops' just came out. dude. gooey gum drops sounds so good.

MF DOOM - Vomit (Monster Rally remix)
MF DOOM - Gooey Gum Drops (Monster Rally remix)

so yeah, this guy is pretty cool. i'm sure we'll be hearing more from him. all of his music is available for free download on the monster rally website, definitely check it out.

Friday, June 18, 2010

mad max: beyond thunderdome

i saw the first mad max movie, "MAD MAX" (1978 or 79) in seventh or eighth grade and the second movie, "THE ROAD WARRIOR" (1980 or 81) in ninth or tenth grade. this movie, "MAD MAX: BEYOND THUNDERDOME" (1985) is the third and final installment in the mad max series. basically, mel gibson is mad max, a badass desert wanderer in post-apocalyptic australia. in the first movie he's trying to uphold peace while a biker gang fucks everything up. in the second movie, he's trying to find gas since none is left. in the third movie, there's no real goal. it's completely ridiculous, and the plot is so weird and convoluted that it can only be described in full. i just got done watching the movie about half an hour ago, my mind is totally overcome by how shockingly absurd it was. here we go:

the movie begins with max riding a wagon through the desert wasteland, which is pulled by a fleet of camels. a plane swoops down (which is driven by a man and his young son, the only character returning from a previous mad max movie) and knocks max off of the cart. the surprise startles the camels, prompting them to run wildly, leaving max in the dust. the plane swoops down a second time and the man jumps out of the plane and on to the drivers seat of the cart, effectively stealing max's transportation and only supplies in the desert.

max wanders to 'bartertown,' where he asks the teller at the town's front desk if his wagon or camels had been seen. max offers his 'skills' in general badassery as a trading token for any information regarding his stuff. he is led to tina turner aka 'aunty,' who is the leader of the town. she created the town, but she has a problem. the town is powered by a methane gas factory beneath the town, and the gas is derived from the shit of a vast amount of pigs that are shuffled around in caves underground. and the powerplant is run by a guy named master, who is a real bastard. master has the power to shut off the power whenever he wants and tina turner is tired of it. tina wants max to kill master so that she can resume complete power over bartertown and all will be copesetic in the wasteland. this would be easy for max, but master is guarded by blaster, a huge brute with a giant metal helmet.

master is the little guy on top, blaster is the big guy

max needs to kill this bro. there is only one lawful way to kill a man in bartertown, and that is through a challenge in THUNDERDOME. thunderdome is a large semicircular cage enclosure, and it is here that the men of bartertown fight out their differences to the death. this is the main attraction at bartertown, and it seems that all of the residents attend each match. tina turner calls for the thunderdome match, and all of the citizens of bartertown begin chanting "TWO MEN ENTER, ONE MAN LEAVES" throughout the match. weapons are scattered throughout the cage, and max/blaster are attached to long bungee cords that leave them dangling barely above the ground. the men fight, max eventually knocks off blasters helmet with a sledgehammer, revealing the face of a mentally retarded person. max stops, unable to kill a man who is not in his 'right mind.' master runs to blasters aid, claiming that the fight should end. tina's minions shoot blaster with some arrows, blaster dies. master becomes a slave to tina.

i didn't understand why the movie didn't end here.

since max didn't finish the fight, he is forced into punishment. "BREAK THE DEAL, FACE THE WHEEL," as they say. max must spin a wheel with varying punishments on it, death, life imprisonment, etc... max ends up with something called "GULAG." his punishment truly makes no sense. he is strapped onto a horse backwards, blindfolded (sort of) by a giant mardi gras mask that sort of resembles alfred e. neuman, and the horse is kicked off into the desert. truly, you must see it to believe it.

the horse eventually keels over and dies, and max frees himself of his bindings only to find himself stranded in the desert with nowhere to go. he wanders for a while, but eventually lays down and passes out(/dies?). after a while he is discovered by a desert woman, who believes that max was some sort of prophet and takes his body back to her camp. the young woman (maybe twenty years old?) is the leader of what seems to be an army of children

there's actually like a hundred kids at this camp - note the staff with the record on it

max is unconscious/dead for days, and eventually he just wakes up and freaks out that he's being held by a bunch of kids. he goes with the flow, however, and listens to the woman ramble some tale about how max is a jet pilot named d.l. walker who will take the kids to his plane and fly them to some sort of paradise (the world before the apocalypse). max says he isn't this walker bro, and that he has no plane and that he isn't a prophet. however, when max throws his hat up in the air, the spirits of the desert blow the kids' kite up into the air. the kids lose their minds, and follow the kite off into the desert. max appears to have nothing better to do, so he follows the kids. the find the wreckage of some old 747 type plane, which is obviously no use. they return to camp.

some kids run off in the middle of the night because they no longer think max is the prophet that they originally thought he was, and the rest of the kids are worried that they'll die. the kids at camp give max some water and ask him to go find the runaways, two or three kids follow max. max says he'll bring all of the kids back safely.

they soon find the runaways, max saves one of the kids from dying in quicksand. one of the kids sees the lights of bartertown off in the distance, max decides for inexplicable reasons that going back to bartertown is the only hope for survival.

max and the group sneak in through bartertown's sewage system (it's built on sand?). they see master slaving away over some pigs and some of tina's minions being douche bags. for some reason the kids decide that they must save master (who was the enemy at the beginning). the kids jump out and grab master, max kills some of the minions, but many more follow when they hear gunshots. bartertown's energy plant is built around a working train in the central cave, and most of the seemingly important tubes connect to the train. the kids, max, master, and this bro named 'pig killer' jump on the train and try to get away. tina sees all of this nonsense from her lair via periscope, and she sends many of her minions after the train on go-karts. when the train pulls away it totally fucks up bartertown's power, and the whole town explodes.

a road battle ensues; lots of carts full of tina's minions try to get master back from max n' friends, max tries to fend them all off. he kills off the first wave, and the train reaches a dead end. max slams on the train-brakes, there's a lil kid on a mound of dirt in front of the train with two rifles. the kid claims it's a stick-up, but when he sees that another, much larger wave of carts on the horizon he ducks into the dunes. max n' friends follow, finding a rope ladder down to another house-like settlement. it turns out that these people are the same people from the beginning who took max's wagon, and max is pissed. max forces the man to get his plane and get the kids and master to safety.

the plane leaves, but max has to stay behind. max kills most of the carts, but tina remains. she pulls up to max and basically says "good shit, bro" and leaves. the movie ends with the kids finding the wasteland of a city (sydney, australia?) and setting up camp there. the end.

what happened to the rest of the kids?
why did bartertown explode?
how can a town be sustained by the methane gas the come off of pig shit?
why the hell did they want to save master?
why did tina turner found a town?
why does thunderdome exist?
why did the kids believe that mad max was a prophet?
how did max come back from the dead?
why does gulag (a soviet prison camp) mean horseride into the desert with a ridiculous helmet on?
how does a settlement of children even exist? how did it start?
why was bartertown's powerplant built on a train? a working train that was on tracks?
why does this movie have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the other two movies?
why didn't the movie end after the original tina vs. master plot was resolved?
why was tina tuner ever a successful entertainer?

so many questions. i'm sorry if i ruined the movie for you, but you should really go watch it, you'll probably laugh a lot. it's totally ridiculous. seriously. just watch it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

x degrees

i had a strange experience while waiting for the subway back to school last night. I was standing next to a garbage can on the broad/city hall platform, and i saw a familiar homeless man, one that i have seen numerous times on the subway and a few times above ground. he looks as though he is actually crazy: glazed eyes, permanent grin, about twenty 'southern comfort' promotional mardi gras beads, perpetual babbling (not english). most crazy homeless people don't particularly bother me, but his complete seperation from everything and everyone strikes me as legitimately disturbing.

so i was standing by the garbage can, and this man walks up next to me and begins sorting through the trash. he looks at a few empty 7-11 hot dog boxes forlornly, sips at a few straws from fountain sodas, and eventually settles with a half-eated double cheeseburger. as soon as he stepped away from the garbage can another man approached it. this next man was quite astute, clean, and, by the sound of his voice and his word choice, he seemed educated. he started digging through the garbage, much more carefully than the previous man. he looked at me and laughed, "when i woke up at 8 this morning i had no idea that by tonight i would be sorting through the garbage."

i've seen 'untouchable' homeless people sorting through the garbage, but seeing this man put it into perspective. there are only x degrees of separation between me and this 'down on his luck' man, and there are only y degrees of separation between this 'down on his luck' man and the 'untouchable' man polishing off a cheeseburger that he pulled out of a garbage can. hmm.

in other news:
pure ecstasy (one of my favorite bands recently) is going to release a new 7" with a band that you may or may not have heard of called sleep over. i think they're ok, i don't think they're that great. i would probably buy pure ecstasy's 'easy' 7" instead, i really like that song. you can buy them here, just scroll on down.

oh snap, took this song from TRASPARENT

pure ecstasy - dream over

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

und das heisst

videos of the day:

nat king cole - autumn leaves

german march - erika

justice - stress

in other news:

it's finals time, i'm so weighed down with a million papers and shit. crap.

i saw future islands in dc last thursday, they were REALLY REALLY GOOD. the vocals were just as dramatic as i had imagined, i would love to see them again. i probably will, whartscape 2k10 y'all. double dagger played too, it was the first time i've been in a mosh pit in ages. it was nice, some guy's elbow caught me right in the cheek.

future islands - in evening air

i saw tallest man on earth in dc last friday, he was REALLY REALLY GOOD. he's just as good at fingerpicking live as he is on the album. i was so impressed by him, his songs are so great. nurses, the opening band, was fabulous as well. i had never heard them, and i doubt i ever will hear them again. you know how it goes with opening bands.

the tallest man on earth - the wild hunt

fun weekend at black cat in dc, i hope i can go back some time.


atlas sound and ducktails are playing at swarthmore college on wednesday (tomorrow). i really wish i could make it, but i have no car. and i have mucho shit due thursday. DAMMIT.

atlas sound - logos

ducktails - ducktails


caribou and tor0 y moi are playing at first unitarian church on may ninth, and i'm going. who's with me?

caribou - swim

toro y moi - causers of this

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

future islands

i don't know when the newest future islands album, entitled 'in evening air' first leaked, but i just got that shit today. i'm so blown away by it, i love it. i already like future islands quite a bit, but this albums is just the bomb. it's not nearly as exciting as their other albums, but it's better in its own right. homeboy's voice is just as theatrical and zany as ever, i soooo love it.

this album prompted me to re-listen to 'little advances' and 'wave like home,' which i haven't heard in a while. future islands used to be so damn dance-ready.

you can download "into the fall" off of their ep that came out like three weeks ago and "tin man," the hook-y song from 'in evening air' that is bloggable or whatever. it's the only song from their new album that i could find on hype machine. it certainly isn't my favorite song from the album, but it will suffice until the rest of the album gets split up and spread across the internet. their album will be out on thrill jockey, you can find their ep there now.

links to download on this blog, i've never read it before.

Maybe you remember when future islands looked like that^^, i sure don't.

in other news:
any cool shit happened on the internet recently?
SO DIGGING WEEKENDS AGAIN. apparently they're releasing, like, a professional album soon. raingirls is a badass song, weekends is so badass live. might go to dc to see future islands, tallest man on earth, and weekends in the SAME weekend. i can't even imagine.

when compared to the album below, this cover seems so damn classy. a good/bad thing i'm sure.

whartscape 2009:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

wait, what

found this on my old kentucky blog, which i haven't read in a while. some notorious big/xx mash ups, pretty cool actually. you can download the whole thing on that link, i suggest you do it. i'm still leery about copying and pasting links onto here.

the song that's been stuck in my head

so i realized that this was the song that's been stuck in my head every once in a while for the past month or two. everyone's heard it, i just couldn't put my finger on who performed it.

yeah, that song. sort of miss when music sounded like this. would y'all rather go to woodstock (1969) or sxsw (2010)?

in other news:
i'm thinking about changing majors. other than that, i haven't heard anything new that is strikingly cool yet today.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

fun guys pt. 2

new fungi girls songs, summer is going to rule. apparently the songs on this post are going to be a-sides on a few 7" splits this summer, i'm definitely going to buy 1 (or two). i love fungi girls. i love lo-fi. how old are those guys? they look super young.

am i allowed to post the tunes on here (like copy and paste the links)? i don't think so, i'd rather not take the chance. heard google/blogger has been shutting down mp3 blogs, i don't think i really want to be another mp3 blog anyway. i read like 5-7 blogs per day, i think i have to read at least 100 to have a tastemaking opinion. i love transparent, i love weekly tape deck, i love chocolate bobka, i like yours truly, i like rose quartz (though they are currently out of bandwidth). i am generally directed to a few others by links on those blogs.

in other news:
mind is still blown by that toro y moi "acoustic" blessa.

what's the big deal with ariel pink? why is he considered 'the shit' all of a sudden? i guess his new song round n' round sounds pretty cool, but i don't understand. i keep reading about him, but i just don't get the hype (is alan 'neon native americans' palomo still cool? he released a song exclusively on MOUNTAIN DEW'S record label). apparently he/they has/have a new album coming out soon. maybe it leaked. whatever, i'll get it sooner or later.

Monday, March 29, 2010

hammer time

i love toro y moi, i love the toro y moi bro's style.

i love that his music translates so well into 'real' chords that aren't terribly heavily sythesized. i think this is the missing link, like all of this glow-fi music will soon play this way. since most simlar acts are 1-2 person groups, maybe they will just tour with guitars and a handfull of pedals rather than a shitload of expensive drum machines/midi keyboards/laptops/whatnot. if any of these bands survive the test of time i guess we'll see.

i saw washed out and small black play in philadelphia, they were really good. but the live bass player seemed really out of place. maybe it was his place within four other people with synthesizers (two other small black guys, ernest 'washed out' greene, and the small black drummer bro), but it was pretty awkward. its as though they want to play completely 'live' music rather than just programming their machines and then bouncing around behind their set-ups.

that's a video of the show, it's a pretty shitty video. the guy in the back with the green shirt on is ernest greene, the guy in front of him is one of the bros from small black. you can clearly observe the 'chill-bounce' that greene does throughout the show, small black bros did the bounce earlier in the show and the toro y moi bro does the bounce in lots of his live videos. i think i'd rather see toro y moi live, though washed out was fun.

in other news:
i'm waiting patiently for auction time to run out on a five record glenn miller's army air force band compilation. idk how much i'm willing to pay for it, but i want it. total wwII binge.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"epicly later'd"

i can only hope to have a head this full of incredibly memories one day. i hope i can look back on my youth this fondly one day. the video's kind of long, but i think it's really cool/worth watching. 'epicly later'd' is a skateboard-related photo blog, but apparently they do videos too. i've always been fascinated by skateboard culture, this video totally exemplifies why. the authentic skateboarder life is pretty romantic, i'm envious. however, i'm not envious of the lil punkasses that have infested everyone's high school. they're annoying.

this is number two of four, the rest are here under "max schaff" (that's number 1)

in other news:
it's officially spring in philadelphia! it was beautiful outside today!

don't know why, but i held off on downloading gorillaz' plastic beach until today. diggin it.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Little Claw – Human Taste


i know i haven't blogged in a while y'all. midterms, spring break, etc...

this is one of my favorite swing songs of all time. everyone in glenn's band is so totally razor sharp. i'm extremely jealous of the skills of the people in the band and those lucky enough to see glen in his day.

(embedding was removed 'by request.' stupid.)
there are about a hundred versions of this song, i don't know who wrote it originally. in my opinion, this is the best version by far.

in other news:
odessa by caribou is very good. I KNOW this song was leaked like ten years ago, but in case y'all forgot the album doesn't come out until april 20.


also, i have seen this video of a new panda bear song from his forthcoming album, tomboy.

that's cool, i like it

Friday, February 19, 2010

broken social scene transformed this day into a good day

Broken social scene is releasing a new album on may fourth, they released the news recently and posted a free mp3 download on their site. the mp3 called 'world sick,' it's worth your time for the most part. download it! i'm sorry that i don't know how to do mp3 hosting and probably never will.
if for some reason you haven't heard their self titled album or their album called 'you forgot it in people,' there are the links to the mediafire downloads.
i like broken social scene a great deal, but i have a difficult time believing that i will ever enjoy any of their songs as much as i enjoy 'cause=time' 'swimmers' or '7/4.' to me, any relevant/popular alt band that can write an incredibly catchy song in 7/4 time is deserving of my respect (i couldn't find a cool video of 7/4 on youtube, but you all know the song).

so transparent recently posted the latest yours truly video in a series of live videos of pure ecstasy. this is number three, they're all pretty good. they're playing at some record store in california. the third video is ok.

this band seems lo-fi enough. the acoustics in this room are just shitty enough to make the echoes really cool (in my mind). here's the first video in the lil set of 3. i think this one's my favorite.

who knows, maybe we'll hear a lot more about this band after sxsw. i've been wondering that about a lot of these blogocentric bands. who will remain popular? will pure ecstasy/best coast ever release another mp3/7"/EP? what will these leagues of lil lo fi bands do when they have to play for sizable live audiences? i wish i could go.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


i'm fascinated with the idea that what happens every day will be regarded as history at some point. that picture is of a woman in a new car in 1910 (a hundred years ago).

in the year 2110 (one hundred years from now) this ferarri will be regarded as extremely outdated/obsolete, much like the 1910 buick is now. maybe i'm the only one who thinks this is awesome/intriguing. even the highly futuristic/technological/stupid iphone xl will one day be outdated and just another part of american history. i buy cd's/records/books and i keep my old notes from class and whatnot because it might be regarded as 'historical' one day. hmm.

in other news:
been listening to universal studios florida recently, i really like their styles. i am still vastly impressed by those future islands videos (last blog).
working the graveyard shift isn't too bad, dealing with hundreds of drunks is actually sort of fun. pizza slavery is certainly hard work though. waking up for a nine am class is going to be nearly impossible. snowpocalypse 2k10 has cancelled classes today and yesterday, so i got to sleep in after working until 3 am.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

i love you future islands

i love you future islands

"Something about this reminds me of New Order in the mid-80s, if they'd been out 'til dawn, rolling hard, and then, while coming down, they decided to play a new tune on the organ that sat in Mums kitchen."

apparently they have a new album coming out in may, it'll probably be good. i'm sure an awesome tour will happen before/after the release. i love that they can play these new tunes and this old tune.

i love you chocolate bobka

today was a good day

Monday, February 8, 2010

fixed gear

haven't posted in a few days. i started work as a slave at maxi's pizza today. i'm working tuesday/thursday from 10 pm until 3 am. i don't know how i'm going to do that and get up for class and such, but hopefully it'll work. tryna make some money so i can expand my cd collection/expand my fledgling modern vinyl collection/buy some lna cassettes. also want some boots. also need some groceries and some more seltzer water.

i have recently become interested in 'fixed gear' bicycles. i thought they were interesting a few months ago, but for whatever reason i sort of forgot about it. saw this video (couldn't embed it for some reason) the other day, fascinated by their transformation from messenger gear to track sport to x-treme urban sport to hipster accessory. my roommate has one, i've ridden it once. they are legitimately difficult to ride, it's tough to get used to the continuous pedaling/lack of brakes. but it is definitely interesting, certainly more of a hobby than what most of us probably consider bike riding (stationary bike at the gym, shittie mountain bike as a means of transportation). i would consider making one if it didn't cost like $500. whatever. maybe with the money i make as a pizza slave i'll be able to afford one in a few years.

FIXED CITY - "bicycle not brake-cycle"

is golden ages trendy? i really like him/them. i'm definitely going to buy their album whenever it comes out and see them at some lil venue before/after their album comes out.
why do shittie bands typically exist with similar names as cool bands?

in other news:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

still not talented enough to make good blog titles

i don't want to sound too sweeping, but leftist nautical antiques and mirror universe are some of the reasons why i still love this music. if i were a band, i would only want to be signed to one of them (or mexi summer or transparent records or the (defunct?) animal image search).

a lot of blogs/people are talking about how 'this is the end' of indie or 'indie has been dead for 2.5 yearz' or 'indie was dead after the arcade fires released their debut album' or or 'indie was dead after the vampire weekends released their debut album' or 'indie is dead because mgmt was @ the grammys' or 'indie is dead because no one releases sique bangers anymore' or 'indie is dead because the crystal castles don't really exist anymore' or 'indie is dead because the fallout boiz (apparently) broke up today.'

i've heard a lot of 'hipsters' in my classes snickering lately when anyone mentions 'indie' because they say it's 's00 dead.' i think we just have to roll with the punches, independent music can never die. maybe the radiohead/modest mouse/arcade fires/vampire weekend/mgmt sound is no longer 'indie,' but 'independent/alt' music still(and will always) exist. i like leftist nautical antiques and mirror universe because they seem to represent something refreshing. they release (typically) lo-fi/chillwaves music that i like a great deal. thinking about buying a bunch of their tapes/7". sorry for getting all upset with 'the scene' the other day, i guess that's just the nature of the beast.

i like blogging because i like listening to music. in conclusion: the hipsters may die out, but i'm pretty certain the music will still be around.

probably going to buy some tapes from lna. there's some 3 tapes for $12 deal, sounds like gold to me.

in other news:
car arsons still rampant in southern york county, what the hell? pending gun threat tomorrow, should be a good time.

listening to:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

february second

has anyone else realized that the xx might be the most re-
mixable band of 2k-ever? just a thought.

in other news:
apparently there have been a shitload of car-fires/arsons/weapons threats in the idyllic town in which i went to highschool. what the hell? i figured i'd be in greater danger in north philadelphia.

also, i may have found a house to live in next year. BAD

Monday, February 1, 2010

are the grammy's relavent?

no. is the old/new/only toro y moi album really good? yes. they're playing at kungfu necktie on march 25th. it's 21+, might be worth getting a fake. apparently the xx already sold out (pissed) but there's still time to purchase washed out tickets.


when you think about how stupid the ipad is, remember this video:

currently listening to:
toro y moi(obviously)
deerhunter cryptograms

in other news:
apparently there's some 'alt' radiostation on temple's WHIP website called 'indie intuition.' hosted by two cute alt ladies, perhaps it'll be cool. they handed me a flier today when i was eating lunch. feedback regarding said radio show l8r.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

state of the union

haven't really heard any 'blog-worthy' music that i liked in the last few days, so i don't have any new bands to write about. the false jewsteece release happened the other day. in short, the 'blog world' went completely crazy in the twenty minutes proceding the 'leak' of a new false justice banger. similar to one drop of synthetic blood in a group of hungry sharks.

still no word from justice or ed banger records as to the authenticity of the mp3. maybe it's fake and some kid with ableton live got his anonymous minutes of fame. maybe it's real and we've all fallen for their joke/ploy regardless of which side we're on (real or fake). justice in on the tip of the collective tounge either way, which is the only important thing i guess. justice's reputation was clearly not a concern (via unplugged mpd in the past).

sort of losing faith in these blogs/my future as a blogger. as fun/fulfilling as it sometimes is to stay on the cutting edge of what is/is not hip or alt or cool, i don't want to get too sucked into it. it's easy to do. maybe i should try to keep appreciating music for what it is and what it's worth rather than as a way of grouping college kids. however, it seems that a very small percentage of the people who are cool/go to relavent parties with other cool people even try to keep up with all of this 'smut.' maybe because they're not interested in the music that they unconciously represent, maybe because they've seen that it's sort of horseshits. seems futile, like no one can win by reading the most blogs or downloading the most relavent mp3's.


feel similarly disillusioned now as when i first read the hipster runoffs. i remember realizing that this cool and somewhat unique subculture can be pidgeonholed and generalized (and packaged and sold) in the same way that every sub/counterculture has, which is a drag. carles didn't invent this system, he simply called it out on what it is (a classist and elitist system just like any other). carles/hro gets 15,000 hits per day. wondering if every alt eventually has the realization that he is no longer unique. although i've never played alt bingo, i certainly could go downtown and check off most of these (minus steve aoki (he probably lives in l.a./new york/tokyo/paris/bangerville) and sparks (it's been outlawed or something)).

feeling like music is being streamlined in the same way that american apparel was streamlined. feeling like winning over the silicon hearts of the blogs is the only way for a band to get alt-famous. feeling like blogs are trying really hard to find authentic mp3's that convey their authentic aesthetic as a website/lifestyle. feeling like bands are beginning to make music for the sole purpose of winning over the silicon hearts of the blogs and becoming alt-famous. seems senseless. maybe i'll start buying more cassettes because i can't plug them into my macbook. i don't want to sound like i'm saying that "music is self expression and you should make it out of the artistic vision in your soul." maybe, in modern society, nothing truly unique can happen for any longer than it takes to walk to a computer. maybe i shouldn't be so critical of the inorganic existence that my generation's counterculture has taken on.

if i were to judge the state of the union of this culture, i would do so as such:
the competitive nature of the blog culture dillutes new music so much that it is literally impossible to differentiate between the ten percent of new "blogworthy" music with staying power and the ninety percent of new "blogworthy" music that is entirely forgettable. maybe this is a good thing; shitloads of bands are getting what seems to be 15 minutes of fame, but they seem to be overshadowing what we should really be focusing on. every once in a while something genuinely cool happens, i hope that i/we can find it.

although i'm sort of bummed out at the thought of ingenuine/inauthentic blog goals (cutting edge music regardless of whether or not it's good), it's not as though we can really stop liking them. these are the things that we're interested in. this is the music that we like to listen to. i guess this is just the way it is.

in other news:

how cool are e-cigs? you can 'smoke' them thangs anywhere!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

get it straight pt. 2

today marks part two of lobsterbucket's new gimmick, 'get it straight.' in part two we will explore variations on 'deer' and 'hunting.'

many of you have heard/enjoy hearing deerhunter, i will compare them to a sentaor in the congress of 'indietopia,' whereas many tiny bloggable bands represent a small townhall congregation. singer/frontman/skinnybro bradford cox makes great 'post-rock' with deerhunter, great 'altlectro' with atlas sound, they're both on kranky records. an important band. although i don't really know where the name comes from, there is a lil deer on the cover of their popular album 'cryptograms.' i suggest you go buy it.

'agoraphobia' from their album 'microcastle'

i just listened to this band right before writing this, they appear to suck big time. long/'epic' song titles, extremely over-produced warpedtourocentric music. i think i'd rather 'commit suicide' than see them live. their live shows probably feature like thirty members playing all sorts of strange instruments, proving the worldly nature of their music.
confused as to why they chose to jack deerhunter's name. maybe the 'dear' instead of 'deer' thing signifies some sort of sincerity, bringing them closer to their warped-tour/teenage-girl audience. hmm. i don't want to start gulping hatorade, but they're lame.

maybe this is a new trend, warped tour bands ripping off alt band names. any suggestions?

Monday, January 25, 2010

get it straight pt. 1

the new lobsterbucket gimmick 'get it straight' will help you, the reader, to discern between bands with similar names. in part 1 we will explore variants of the word 'weekend.'

blogged about two or three entries ago, really good lo-fi band out of california. i was sort of under the impression that california 'isn't cool anymore' because of its history of 'coolness.' but who knows. mexican summer is a great label, maybe they'll 'make it' or whatever it is that bands try to accomplish today.

from their blog:
"Our main man Sahil over at Transparent likens us to the best dope on the streets – with Mexican Summer being that shady guy in the Kangol Hat and Ed Hardy sweatsuit that you hate buying from yet never fails to get you lit and face down in a gutter. Thanks Transparent!"

so just check the video in previous entry if you're curious.

from my hometown (baltimore). i like their song 'raingirls,' i've heard that their live shows are really noisy. they are friends of wham city/dan deacon/future islands; i guess they deserve to be listened to.

amateur video:

apparently there's also some shittie warpedtouresque band called 'the weakend' that exists/existed, but after five seconds of listening i gave up.

in other news:
'whiplash' by sunglasses. also, i really dig beach house's new album. sorry that i can't embend songs straight into this blog, i have no idea how to do that.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

this shit

hmm, came across weekend the other day. another cool lo-fi band, only this time they're from san francisco. as you may have guessed, they're on mexican summer. current home to campfires, washed out, real estate, etc...

i tagged this off of transparent, undoubtedly my favorite blog these days. read them, they're exactly what y'all want to read/hear.

a couple of fun guys

so you might have heard of the fabulous lil teen band outta po'dunk texas FUNGI GIRLS by now, but if you haven't, here's the link to their myspace: (fun guy)

They released a tape on animal image search a while back and a disc on play pinball more recently. all sorts of lo-fi energy, it's great for getting through these dreary months. i would love to see them play in philadelphia, but since i have no funds with which to bring them here, it seems unlikely. maybe we'll be lucky enough for them to tour up in the north philly this spring, we'll see. can't wait until summer, i'm sure they'll be up to some sique shit once it's warm.

they're releasing a split 7" with labelmates/friends indian wars in the undetermined future, it'll be badass.

in other news:
i did the 'next blog' option for a few minutes yesterday and for nearly ten blogs in a row i saw exclusively family news blogs. sure am glad my parents never started one of those.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Knife Sightings Pt. 1

Assassin's Creed doctor=hit indielectro band The Knife?

hit band:

doctor in new-age video game?