Thursday, January 21, 2010

a couple of fun guys

so you might have heard of the fabulous lil teen band outta po'dunk texas FUNGI GIRLS by now, but if you haven't, here's the link to their myspace: (fun guy)

They released a tape on animal image search a while back and a disc on play pinball more recently. all sorts of lo-fi energy, it's great for getting through these dreary months. i would love to see them play in philadelphia, but since i have no funds with which to bring them here, it seems unlikely. maybe we'll be lucky enough for them to tour up in the north philly this spring, we'll see. can't wait until summer, i'm sure they'll be up to some sique shit once it's warm.

they're releasing a split 7" with labelmates/friends indian wars in the undetermined future, it'll be badass.

in other news:
i did the 'next blog' option for a few minutes yesterday and for nearly ten blogs in a row i saw exclusively family news blogs. sure am glad my parents never started one of those.

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