Friday, February 19, 2010

broken social scene transformed this day into a good day

Broken social scene is releasing a new album on may fourth, they released the news recently and posted a free mp3 download on their site. the mp3 called 'world sick,' it's worth your time for the most part. download it! i'm sorry that i don't know how to do mp3 hosting and probably never will.
if for some reason you haven't heard their self titled album or their album called 'you forgot it in people,' there are the links to the mediafire downloads.
i like broken social scene a great deal, but i have a difficult time believing that i will ever enjoy any of their songs as much as i enjoy 'cause=time' 'swimmers' or '7/4.' to me, any relevant/popular alt band that can write an incredibly catchy song in 7/4 time is deserving of my respect (i couldn't find a cool video of 7/4 on youtube, but you all know the song).

so transparent recently posted the latest yours truly video in a series of live videos of pure ecstasy. this is number three, they're all pretty good. they're playing at some record store in california. the third video is ok.

this band seems lo-fi enough. the acoustics in this room are just shitty enough to make the echoes really cool (in my mind). here's the first video in the lil set of 3. i think this one's my favorite.

who knows, maybe we'll hear a lot more about this band after sxsw. i've been wondering that about a lot of these blogocentric bands. who will remain popular? will pure ecstasy/best coast ever release another mp3/7"/EP? what will these leagues of lil lo fi bands do when they have to play for sizable live audiences? i wish i could go.

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