Tuesday, January 26, 2010

get it straight pt. 2

today marks part two of lobsterbucket's new gimmick, 'get it straight.' in part two we will explore variations on 'deer' and 'hunting.'

many of you have heard/enjoy hearing deerhunter, i will compare them to a sentaor in the congress of 'indietopia,' whereas many tiny bloggable bands represent a small townhall congregation. singer/frontman/skinnybro bradford cox makes great 'post-rock' with deerhunter, great 'altlectro' with atlas sound, they're both on kranky records. an important band. although i don't really know where the name comes from, there is a lil deer on the cover of their popular album 'cryptograms.' i suggest you go buy it.

'agoraphobia' from their album 'microcastle'

i just listened to this band right before writing this, they appear to suck big time. long/'epic' song titles, extremely over-produced warpedtourocentric music. i think i'd rather 'commit suicide' than see them live. their live shows probably feature like thirty members playing all sorts of strange instruments, proving the worldly nature of their music.
confused as to why they chose to jack deerhunter's name. maybe the 'dear' instead of 'deer' thing signifies some sort of sincerity, bringing them closer to their warped-tour/teenage-girl audience. hmm. i don't want to start gulping hatorade, but they're lame.

maybe this is a new trend, warped tour bands ripping off alt band names. any suggestions?

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