Sunday, January 31, 2010

state of the union

haven't really heard any 'blog-worthy' music that i liked in the last few days, so i don't have any new bands to write about. the false jewsteece release happened the other day. in short, the 'blog world' went completely crazy in the twenty minutes proceding the 'leak' of a new false justice banger. similar to one drop of synthetic blood in a group of hungry sharks.

still no word from justice or ed banger records as to the authenticity of the mp3. maybe it's fake and some kid with ableton live got his anonymous minutes of fame. maybe it's real and we've all fallen for their joke/ploy regardless of which side we're on (real or fake). justice in on the tip of the collective tounge either way, which is the only important thing i guess. justice's reputation was clearly not a concern (via unplugged mpd in the past).

sort of losing faith in these blogs/my future as a blogger. as fun/fulfilling as it sometimes is to stay on the cutting edge of what is/is not hip or alt or cool, i don't want to get too sucked into it. it's easy to do. maybe i should try to keep appreciating music for what it is and what it's worth rather than as a way of grouping college kids. however, it seems that a very small percentage of the people who are cool/go to relavent parties with other cool people even try to keep up with all of this 'smut.' maybe because they're not interested in the music that they unconciously represent, maybe because they've seen that it's sort of horseshits. seems futile, like no one can win by reading the most blogs or downloading the most relavent mp3's.


feel similarly disillusioned now as when i first read the hipster runoffs. i remember realizing that this cool and somewhat unique subculture can be pidgeonholed and generalized (and packaged and sold) in the same way that every sub/counterculture has, which is a drag. carles didn't invent this system, he simply called it out on what it is (a classist and elitist system just like any other). carles/hro gets 15,000 hits per day. wondering if every alt eventually has the realization that he is no longer unique. although i've never played alt bingo, i certainly could go downtown and check off most of these (minus steve aoki (he probably lives in l.a./new york/tokyo/paris/bangerville) and sparks (it's been outlawed or something)).

feeling like music is being streamlined in the same way that american apparel was streamlined. feeling like winning over the silicon hearts of the blogs is the only way for a band to get alt-famous. feeling like blogs are trying really hard to find authentic mp3's that convey their authentic aesthetic as a website/lifestyle. feeling like bands are beginning to make music for the sole purpose of winning over the silicon hearts of the blogs and becoming alt-famous. seems senseless. maybe i'll start buying more cassettes because i can't plug them into my macbook. i don't want to sound like i'm saying that "music is self expression and you should make it out of the artistic vision in your soul." maybe, in modern society, nothing truly unique can happen for any longer than it takes to walk to a computer. maybe i shouldn't be so critical of the inorganic existence that my generation's counterculture has taken on.

if i were to judge the state of the union of this culture, i would do so as such:
the competitive nature of the blog culture dillutes new music so much that it is literally impossible to differentiate between the ten percent of new "blogworthy" music with staying power and the ninety percent of new "blogworthy" music that is entirely forgettable. maybe this is a good thing; shitloads of bands are getting what seems to be 15 minutes of fame, but they seem to be overshadowing what we should really be focusing on. every once in a while something genuinely cool happens, i hope that i/we can find it.

although i'm sort of bummed out at the thought of ingenuine/inauthentic blog goals (cutting edge music regardless of whether or not it's good), it's not as though we can really stop liking them. these are the things that we're interested in. this is the music that we like to listen to. i guess this is just the way it is.

in other news:

how cool are e-cigs? you can 'smoke' them thangs anywhere!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

get it straight pt. 2

today marks part two of lobsterbucket's new gimmick, 'get it straight.' in part two we will explore variations on 'deer' and 'hunting.'

many of you have heard/enjoy hearing deerhunter, i will compare them to a sentaor in the congress of 'indietopia,' whereas many tiny bloggable bands represent a small townhall congregation. singer/frontman/skinnybro bradford cox makes great 'post-rock' with deerhunter, great 'altlectro' with atlas sound, they're both on kranky records. an important band. although i don't really know where the name comes from, there is a lil deer on the cover of their popular album 'cryptograms.' i suggest you go buy it.

'agoraphobia' from their album 'microcastle'

i just listened to this band right before writing this, they appear to suck big time. long/'epic' song titles, extremely over-produced warpedtourocentric music. i think i'd rather 'commit suicide' than see them live. their live shows probably feature like thirty members playing all sorts of strange instruments, proving the worldly nature of their music.
confused as to why they chose to jack deerhunter's name. maybe the 'dear' instead of 'deer' thing signifies some sort of sincerity, bringing them closer to their warped-tour/teenage-girl audience. hmm. i don't want to start gulping hatorade, but they're lame.

maybe this is a new trend, warped tour bands ripping off alt band names. any suggestions?

Monday, January 25, 2010

get it straight pt. 1

the new lobsterbucket gimmick 'get it straight' will help you, the reader, to discern between bands with similar names. in part 1 we will explore variants of the word 'weekend.'

blogged about two or three entries ago, really good lo-fi band out of california. i was sort of under the impression that california 'isn't cool anymore' because of its history of 'coolness.' but who knows. mexican summer is a great label, maybe they'll 'make it' or whatever it is that bands try to accomplish today.

from their blog:
"Our main man Sahil over at Transparent likens us to the best dope on the streets – with Mexican Summer being that shady guy in the Kangol Hat and Ed Hardy sweatsuit that you hate buying from yet never fails to get you lit and face down in a gutter. Thanks Transparent!"

so just check the video in previous entry if you're curious.

from my hometown (baltimore). i like their song 'raingirls,' i've heard that their live shows are really noisy. they are friends of wham city/dan deacon/future islands; i guess they deserve to be listened to.

amateur video:

apparently there's also some shittie warpedtouresque band called 'the weakend' that exists/existed, but after five seconds of listening i gave up.

in other news:
'whiplash' by sunglasses. also, i really dig beach house's new album. sorry that i can't embend songs straight into this blog, i have no idea how to do that.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

this shit

hmm, came across weekend the other day. another cool lo-fi band, only this time they're from san francisco. as you may have guessed, they're on mexican summer. current home to campfires, washed out, real estate, etc...

i tagged this off of transparent, undoubtedly my favorite blog these days. read them, they're exactly what y'all want to read/hear.

a couple of fun guys

so you might have heard of the fabulous lil teen band outta po'dunk texas FUNGI GIRLS by now, but if you haven't, here's the link to their myspace: (fun guy)

They released a tape on animal image search a while back and a disc on play pinball more recently. all sorts of lo-fi energy, it's great for getting through these dreary months. i would love to see them play in philadelphia, but since i have no funds with which to bring them here, it seems unlikely. maybe we'll be lucky enough for them to tour up in the north philly this spring, we'll see. can't wait until summer, i'm sure they'll be up to some sique shit once it's warm.

they're releasing a split 7" with labelmates/friends indian wars in the undetermined future, it'll be badass.

in other news:
i did the 'next blog' option for a few minutes yesterday and for nearly ten blogs in a row i saw exclusively family news blogs. sure am glad my parents never started one of those.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Knife Sightings Pt. 1

Assassin's Creed doctor=hit indielectro band The Knife?

hit band:

doctor in new-age video game?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

what is a blog? pt. 2

This blog might become one which highlights philadelphia local bands/artists/djs and lets yall know which concerts might be important/cool with witty/ironic descriptions of touring bands that are coming through the area. who knows, maybe this website will one day be important to the 'scene.'

Friday, January 8, 2010

what is a blog?