Friday, February 19, 2010

broken social scene transformed this day into a good day

Broken social scene is releasing a new album on may fourth, they released the news recently and posted a free mp3 download on their site. the mp3 called 'world sick,' it's worth your time for the most part. download it! i'm sorry that i don't know how to do mp3 hosting and probably never will.
if for some reason you haven't heard their self titled album or their album called 'you forgot it in people,' there are the links to the mediafire downloads.
i like broken social scene a great deal, but i have a difficult time believing that i will ever enjoy any of their songs as much as i enjoy 'cause=time' 'swimmers' or '7/4.' to me, any relevant/popular alt band that can write an incredibly catchy song in 7/4 time is deserving of my respect (i couldn't find a cool video of 7/4 on youtube, but you all know the song).

so transparent recently posted the latest yours truly video in a series of live videos of pure ecstasy. this is number three, they're all pretty good. they're playing at some record store in california. the third video is ok.

this band seems lo-fi enough. the acoustics in this room are just shitty enough to make the echoes really cool (in my mind). here's the first video in the lil set of 3. i think this one's my favorite.

who knows, maybe we'll hear a lot more about this band after sxsw. i've been wondering that about a lot of these blogocentric bands. who will remain popular? will pure ecstasy/best coast ever release another mp3/7"/EP? what will these leagues of lil lo fi bands do when they have to play for sizable live audiences? i wish i could go.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


i'm fascinated with the idea that what happens every day will be regarded as history at some point. that picture is of a woman in a new car in 1910 (a hundred years ago).

in the year 2110 (one hundred years from now) this ferarri will be regarded as extremely outdated/obsolete, much like the 1910 buick is now. maybe i'm the only one who thinks this is awesome/intriguing. even the highly futuristic/technological/stupid iphone xl will one day be outdated and just another part of american history. i buy cd's/records/books and i keep my old notes from class and whatnot because it might be regarded as 'historical' one day. hmm.

in other news:
been listening to universal studios florida recently, i really like their styles. i am still vastly impressed by those future islands videos (last blog).
working the graveyard shift isn't too bad, dealing with hundreds of drunks is actually sort of fun. pizza slavery is certainly hard work though. waking up for a nine am class is going to be nearly impossible. snowpocalypse 2k10 has cancelled classes today and yesterday, so i got to sleep in after working until 3 am.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

i love you future islands

i love you future islands

"Something about this reminds me of New Order in the mid-80s, if they'd been out 'til dawn, rolling hard, and then, while coming down, they decided to play a new tune on the organ that sat in Mums kitchen."

apparently they have a new album coming out in may, it'll probably be good. i'm sure an awesome tour will happen before/after the release. i love that they can play these new tunes and this old tune.

i love you chocolate bobka

today was a good day

Monday, February 8, 2010

fixed gear

haven't posted in a few days. i started work as a slave at maxi's pizza today. i'm working tuesday/thursday from 10 pm until 3 am. i don't know how i'm going to do that and get up for class and such, but hopefully it'll work. tryna make some money so i can expand my cd collection/expand my fledgling modern vinyl collection/buy some lna cassettes. also want some boots. also need some groceries and some more seltzer water.

i have recently become interested in 'fixed gear' bicycles. i thought they were interesting a few months ago, but for whatever reason i sort of forgot about it. saw this video (couldn't embed it for some reason) the other day, fascinated by their transformation from messenger gear to track sport to x-treme urban sport to hipster accessory. my roommate has one, i've ridden it once. they are legitimately difficult to ride, it's tough to get used to the continuous pedaling/lack of brakes. but it is definitely interesting, certainly more of a hobby than what most of us probably consider bike riding (stationary bike at the gym, shittie mountain bike as a means of transportation). i would consider making one if it didn't cost like $500. whatever. maybe with the money i make as a pizza slave i'll be able to afford one in a few years.

FIXED CITY - "bicycle not brake-cycle"

is golden ages trendy? i really like him/them. i'm definitely going to buy their album whenever it comes out and see them at some lil venue before/after their album comes out.
why do shittie bands typically exist with similar names as cool bands?

in other news:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

still not talented enough to make good blog titles

i don't want to sound too sweeping, but leftist nautical antiques and mirror universe are some of the reasons why i still love this music. if i were a band, i would only want to be signed to one of them (or mexi summer or transparent records or the (defunct?) animal image search).

a lot of blogs/people are talking about how 'this is the end' of indie or 'indie has been dead for 2.5 yearz' or 'indie was dead after the arcade fires released their debut album' or or 'indie was dead after the vampire weekends released their debut album' or 'indie is dead because mgmt was @ the grammys' or 'indie is dead because no one releases sique bangers anymore' or 'indie is dead because the crystal castles don't really exist anymore' or 'indie is dead because the fallout boiz (apparently) broke up today.'

i've heard a lot of 'hipsters' in my classes snickering lately when anyone mentions 'indie' because they say it's 's00 dead.' i think we just have to roll with the punches, independent music can never die. maybe the radiohead/modest mouse/arcade fires/vampire weekend/mgmt sound is no longer 'indie,' but 'independent/alt' music still(and will always) exist. i like leftist nautical antiques and mirror universe because they seem to represent something refreshing. they release (typically) lo-fi/chillwaves music that i like a great deal. thinking about buying a bunch of their tapes/7". sorry for getting all upset with 'the scene' the other day, i guess that's just the nature of the beast.

i like blogging because i like listening to music. in conclusion: the hipsters may die out, but i'm pretty certain the music will still be around.

probably going to buy some tapes from lna. there's some 3 tapes for $12 deal, sounds like gold to me.

in other news:
car arsons still rampant in southern york county, what the hell? pending gun threat tomorrow, should be a good time.

listening to:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

february second

has anyone else realized that the xx might be the most re-
mixable band of 2k-ever? just a thought.

in other news:
apparently there have been a shitload of car-fires/arsons/weapons threats in the idyllic town in which i went to highschool. what the hell? i figured i'd be in greater danger in north philadelphia.

also, i may have found a house to live in next year. BAD

Monday, February 1, 2010

are the grammy's relavent?

no. is the old/new/only toro y moi album really good? yes. they're playing at kungfu necktie on march 25th. it's 21+, might be worth getting a fake. apparently the xx already sold out (pissed) but there's still time to purchase washed out tickets.


when you think about how stupid the ipad is, remember this video:

currently listening to:
toro y moi(obviously)
deerhunter cryptograms

in other news:
apparently there's some 'alt' radiostation on temple's WHIP website called 'indie intuition.' hosted by two cute alt ladies, perhaps it'll be cool. they handed me a flier today when i was eating lunch. feedback regarding said radio show l8r.